2014年6月6日 星期五

Teaching log 0606

What we did today:

  1. 猴子的一星期 (It sort of caught her interests) 
  2. 數字連連看 (dot to dot) 
  3. Puzzle (可是她沒有很愛)
  4. 跟她玩了她自己的公主拼圖 她很愛
  5. 妹妹背著洋娃娃 (with a doll and action)
  6. 頭和肩膀歌今天不太吸引她了
  7. song: 我的朋友在哪裡,  祝你生日快樂歌
  8. 妹妹背著洋娃娃 (with video)
  9. 比大小
  10. 巧虎的軟書
  11. 複習 顏色和形狀
  12. 介紹了三隻熊的故事  (Goldilocks and the Three Bears)
    It actually seems like something she knows already. She was trying to color to pages (but of course it failed into scribble, but it's okay. I'll come back with more planned lesson.)
Next time, it might be better remain no snacks during teaching session...that would make thing easier, and she will be more focused. 

