2014年11月11日 星期二

2014年11月7日 星期五

2014年8月19日 星期二

2014年6月25日 星期三

A fun one for today!

是那一個數字呢?  :-)

2014年6月16日 星期一

Trail mind map

Make your own mind maps with Mindomo.

2014年6月11日 星期三

Teaching blog 0611

  1. 一開始我還在準備時,我拿出了巧虎軟布書讓她玩
  2. 我們先複習了字卡 (1-10, 動物, 身體, 最後到食物她就有點定不下心了)
  3. 要求看三隻小豬的故事video
  4. 然後她發現了Peter我便開始用Peter跟她講上次講過的小熊故事 (效果還不錯)
  5. 講完了一後 開始幫三隻小熊著色 
  6. 練習畫直線 可是效果不佳 所以我就讓她隨自己開心畫就好
  7. 看海灘的照片 解釋 看圖說故事
  8. 唱"我很快樂"歌
  9. 想玩了自己一直用手點歌來唱 可是點了一堆我們沒教過的歌 
    當然這傢伙啦啦啦就沒戲唱 =_=a
  10. 看"魚兒魚兒水中游"的故事 (還不太喜歡唱的感覺) 
  11. 魚兒水中游因為我想夏天到了也可以教些跟海邊有關的物件,沒想到巧虎有這首歌還蠻適合的
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHzBniscJ44 另外一個也是巧虎,不長的短片是要小朋友愛惜東西不浪費,我也覺得不錯。中間還要停個幾次跟她稍為解釋一番
  13. 唱"放學歌" (至少有六遍吧 haha 因為她想吃點心了 沒耐性的小鬼頭! )  

2014年6月6日 星期五

Teaching log 0606

What we did today:

  1. 猴子的一星期 (It sort of caught her interests) 
  2. 數字連連看 (dot to dot) 
  3. Puzzle (可是她沒有很愛)
  4. 跟她玩了她自己的公主拼圖 她很愛
  5. 妹妹背著洋娃娃 (with a doll and action)
  6. 頭和肩膀歌今天不太吸引她了
  7. song: 我的朋友在哪裡,  祝你生日快樂歌
  8. 妹妹背著洋娃娃 (with video)
  9. 比大小
  10. 巧虎的軟書
  11. 複習 顏色和形狀
  12. 介紹了三隻熊的故事  (Goldilocks and the Three Bears)
    It actually seems like something she knows already. She was trying to color to pages (but of course it failed into scribble, but it's okay. I'll come back with more planned lesson.)
Next time, it might be better remain no snacks during teaching session...that would make thing easier, and she will be more focused. 

2014年6月4日 星期三

Teaching log 0604

What we did today:

  1. Some flash cards as warm-up
  2. 連連看numbers  +  coloring
  3. 青蛙歌
  4. 妹妹背著洋娃娃 (with a doll and action)
  5. 小兔乖乖 (short)
  6. 頭+肩膀+膝+腳趾 (She loves this, but I need to get her to be better at singing the whole song!) 
  7. Shapes (Using flash cards to do matching, recalling the names, and actually play little cubes of shapes for a while too...) 
  8. 剪刀石頭布 (在樓梯上玩)
  9. 妹妹背著洋娃娃 (with video)
  10. 小兔乖乖 (long)
  11. 放學歌
Now she seems to learn the drill. She knows when we sing the 放學歌, and that means the end of the class. 

2014年5月27日 星期二

The alternatives of homework!

2014年5月14日 星期三

How well do you know about Chinese culture?

There are actually some good tips in it too! (and they are total eight articles too!) 

2014年5月9日 星期五

Crafty ideas with my students!

The ming vase project

To create this, you will need to get: 
  • oil pastels ls in various shades of blue
  • white acrylic paint
  • paper
  • pencil
  • Some pictures of vases for discussion
Photo credit: arteascuola.com
For more detail, please visit the original author's site! (and she has lots of great ideas!!) http://arteascuola.com/2013/01/the-ming-vases/

2014年5月3日 星期六

03.05教学记录teaching log



(大姐的认得的字还真不少,这点得要好好把握.Maybe I should look for some easy text, booklets for her to work on. )(Note 2:下次应早点到布置!)


We sang 祝你生日快乐 song.  一起用pasta noodle装饰了蛋糕。We practiced on characters writing of 生、日、快、乐 on the writing board.  And she will have to redo her missing homework from last time. 




因为大姐也还在那里,于是我便抓了姐弟两人一起玩扑克牌 "心脏病",两人都玩得很好。

We practiced on writing the character 生、日。

We also sang 祝你生日快乐 song. 

小弟很喜欢连连看的数字,he was doing it really well, even excited about it, and having no problem counting it to 40(ok, stumbled a bit on the final letter! I can try to find more 连连看 for him! or solving mystery problems, etc.) 

We reviewed on the terms we learned about 水果.I laid the pictures out, and repeat the words after me. Then, I asked him to look for the photos of the fruit. Originally, I asked him to say the names of the fruit so that I can find them, but he chickened out......so later we only did 苹果、 苹果、苹果苹果苹果 practice。

Last,  我们一起用pasta noodle装饰了蛋糕。

Oh duh! We forgot to do 水果蹲! 得说更多中文! And we didn't do 放学歌。

I think I'm still dealing with the differences between home tutoring and lecturing. As a teacher, I want to hit the target and do most of things that I've planned for the lesson, but when it comes to tutoring at home, it can't be necessary always that case. 

Ideas for things we can do for next time: 

  • Culture: 母親節!!!! (5/10) craft: a card or a flower? a paper heart? 
  • 旗子书(but i will need to translate the text first!! and have them choose the countries next time!) 
  • 猜猜我有多愛你 - 兔子书 (for 大姐,but maybe I can get some sentence structure out this first?) 
  • 让他们学习造句 using 我喜欢 你喜欢 (print out the words and have them do blocks next time!)
  • 水果蹲!
  • 我抽数字让他说
  • simple 唐诗
  • 天气部分,我想要进阶到四季和年份
  • 北风和太阳的故事? 
  • Craft: 作风车? 

2014年3月17日 星期一